A Powerful Growth Strategy for Success in Work And Life

Callum Doherty
3 min readJul 6, 2019

“Greatness is consistency on the fundamentals”

Robin Sharma

Whether we want to cultivate an unshakeable character, perform at world-class levels or achieve spiritual greatness (or all three as they are inextricably linked). Our limitless potential must be grounded in consistency. Consistency in the fundamentals is foundational to sustainable growth. These are the practices that sustain us and move us forward as we spiral up into the next best version of ourselves.

The process of achieving audacious goals is about turning inevitable challenges into fuel that drives us forward. This requires energy and emotional stamina developed through disciplined action over time.

Figure 1: Learn to love the process of pursuing audacious goals as you endlessly evolve (taken from Ray Dalio’s Principles)

Our health is a catalyst to performance. If we wish to close the gap between who we are currently and who we can be then consistent execution on the fundamentals of being a healthy human is the way to go.

These universal fundamentals include; Eating, Moving, Sleeping, Breathing, Being Present and Prospering.

How we perform in these fundamentals enable us to more consistently show up as the best version of ourselves, moment-to-moment-to-moment.

“Remember that a squash vine or tomato plant grows in a matter of weeks, produces for several days or weeks, and then dies when the first frost comes. In comparison, a tree grows slowly — over years, decades, or even centuries; it produces fruit for decades; and if healthy, it stands up to frost, storms, and drought.”

John C. Maxwell, The 15 Invaluable laws of growth

Personal growth is an organic process.

Mastering the fundamentals will create MASSIVE positive and permanent change in your life. This game of mastery is the work of a lifetime.

John Maxwell’s #1 growth strategy? Be in the game for the long run.

Remembering that ultimately, we are never exonerated from the work. And that this work is both challenging and deeply fulfilling.

Executing on the fundamentals is about making small, smart choices around the use of your time. It is these seemingly insignificant choices that if practiced over time become skills.

Wealth through profound service

Personal growth must be aligned with and a part of our major goals. For example, if we desire financial independence then we must become the kind of person that deserves it, through which abundance and wealth flow. We must not seek to be a millionaire for the sake of it but for the person that we must become to have that amount of money.

Shifting our focus to increasing the value we can offer to the world (the craftsman mindset) creates positive change in business and life. We get paid in proportion to the level of service we can provide. The value we can create is directly proportional to who we are as people and professionals.

Self-actualized people find it difficult to differentiate work from play. Therefore, if we want to actualize our potential in service to the world then we must playfully embrace the personal growth PROCESS.

Figure 2: Mindsets for creating wealth through profound service

Reflective Journal Exercise

Profound service happens at the intersection between the answers to the following question what do we love to do? (passion mindset), How can we serve? (service mindset) and what can you become the best at? (craftsman mindset).

Wealth alone is not the ultimate goal but rather it is to develop the consciousness through which wealth flows. Fundamentals practiced skilfully overtime will create profound changes in our physiology and baseline energy levels. The bodies physiology is DIRECTLY related to psychology and cognitive function. Enhancing our cognition and energy mean that we can GO DEEP in our work and practice every day.


Consistency and skill (developed over years of practice) in the daily fundamentals (Eat, Move, Sleep, Breath, Presence, Prosper) will create optimized consciousness. Optimizing is key to unlocking our latent potential in life and in service to others. A fully optimized human becomes resourceful, motivated and clear on the work they are here to do. Build your day around the scaffold of these fundamentals. Repeat-indefinitely, with patience, diligence, persistence, and playfulness. And you are bound to be successful!



Callum Doherty

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